Curated & exhibited in group show at the Artists House of Quality gallery, 23rd December, 2018 – 6th January, 2019 near the Old City, Jerusalem. Transition is a constant factor in our lives and communities. In Hebrew there are various words expressing ideas to do with the process of changing from one state to another, to move on from something old or difficult, for the better or the worse. Or as in the word ma’avar, to cross over or to pass through. Most of the artists who exhibited are olim (immigrants) who have transitioned from life in various countries and cultures and have become an integral part of Israeli society and creative life here.

Participating in this show were a loose association of artists, some of whom have exhibited widely here in Israel and many other countries. They were given the freedom to interpret and present work related to the theme any way they chose.

Artists involved: Mike Bayliss, Rolf Danielson, Marc de Kljn, Henny Van Hartingsveldt, Baruch Maayan, Diana Shimon, Itamar Siani, Martha Stern, Dima Tretyakov & Birgitta Yavari-Ilan. Showing a few selected images from the show.

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